13 March 2011

Tears in Heaven

     I am sitting here looking at our calendar and it's breaking my heart seeing that tomorrow is exactly one year since a great man gained his wings and went to his duty station in Heaven.  I still can't believe it.  I wish I were able to talk to him instead of talking to a memory page.  We should be saying, "Damn dude, remember where you were a year ago?"  Now, we look back and think of how devastating March 14th (tech March 15th because that is when we found out) was for us all.  I can't believe that it's been a year.  How is that possible.  It felt as if time stood still for the longest time and no one or nothing moved.  We were all just stuck in this void.  Tomorrow I will think of you Jonny with the fondest of memories.  I will think of all of the cookouts we had, the times you and Rach came over to hang out, walking around the Maynia Fair pretending that one of my kids were you and Rach's so that she wouldn't feel left out on Mother's Day (she wanted to be a mommy so bad)  I can't believe that she got her wish with the love of her life, but then the beautiful idea of sharing a lifetime with him was ripped away from her.  I can't imagine how she will feel tomorrow.  I really can't.  I know that it is tearing me up inside. I don't know what to do.  I don't know what to say.  I'm just lost.  Funny thing is, everyone will be walking around thinking of how horrible their lives are and not even stop to think that someone else could be going through hell.  Could be crying over a grave or folded flag wishing that their life was just shitty.  Instead of the life they have now.  But, we can't change the past and I know that Jonny wouldn't want us all sad and moping around on his Angelversary.  It's going to be hard, but I will do my best to stay strong and not let it bother me. 
Miss you and love you Jonny. 
Rest Easy Marine.


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