Today is payday, so I went to the commissary to get nutrients for me and the kid. How I wish I had waited for another day. After getting my heels hit multiple times by the same person and a small child slamming his squirt gun into my face and then almost being hit by a truck, I found myself screaming in the parking lot. What is wrong with people now a days?! Have they lost their respect for others, maybe misplaced it. If they need help finding it, then please ask me and I will help out.
Then I come home feeling this great urge to just relax and all I get to see are people with a whole lot of internet courage. You think I don't know what you are talking about, yet I do. Difference between me and that person, I'll say what you won't and not think twice about it. Ask people, they know. I am tired of being that person that everyone sees as 'safe' and 'friendly'. It gets me no form of respect. I bite my tongue a lot because I don't like to hurt people's feelings. It's not really my thing, but when I have to I will. It's who I am, it's my nature. Anyways, I just feel like if you have something to say, just say it to me. Don't write it online in hopes that I will read it and somehow get this unsaid message.... I got it loud and clear. All I ask is that you grow up and grow some balls and just get on with it. Tell me how you really feel!! It's what I expect of people. It's really all that I ask of anyone.
I hate pity. I can't stand people who play the pity card. Fess up to whatever it is that you are feeling and just get on with it. It's one of my pet peeves. Just a fore warning. It's a good way to get bitched out. If you take offense to what I have to say, get over yourself. I am hormonal and moody and just really don't have the time to deal with it.
Anyways, I am done ranting for now. I guess I will chat chit the shit later. :)
Tamara D
The one thing I have learned about being a military wife is to never go to the commissary (especially on payday!) It is a nightmare!